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420 Days of Weed Witchery: Spells, Rituals & Techniques to Enhance Your Practice

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420 Spells, Rituals, and Techniques to Take Your High to New Heights

Presenting daily entries as well as entries for each sabbat, moon phase, and solar event, Kerri Connor helps you embrace your full power through cannabis.

Each month includes easy-to-do prompts for enriching your practice, catering to your preferred method of cannabis consumption. Explore chants, simmer pot recipes, shadow work exercises, meditations, and more. Stock your witch's cupboard with recommendations for plant essences and recipes for smokable blends, herbal beverages, and bong water infusions.

These heady, thought-provoking practices will help you connect with powerful plant, animal, environmental, elemental, and astrological energies, enhancing both your daily life and spiritual journey.

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