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Planets in Therapy: Predictive Technique and the Art of Counseling

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This book explores archetypal symbolism, predictive technique, and counseling process in therapeutic astrology.

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This book explores archetypal symbolism, predictive technique, and counseling process in therapeutic astrology. Combining insights from Jungian depth psychology, developmental theory, alchemy and dream symbolism with the precision of planetary transits, progressions and midpoints, Planets in Therapy is an inspiring approach to the healing art of astrology.

Planets in Therapy clearly and succinctly explains the interpretation of the language and techniques of astrology, the depth psychological, transpersonal and spiritual meaning of planetary symbolism, and its power to heal and transform.

Greg Bogart masterfully guides the reader through the principles of psychological astrology, emphasizing the process of self-transformation, spiritual evolution, and discovering the meaning in every event and every moment. A wide range of examples demonstrate how to apply this knowledge to skillfully help others as a counseling astrologer.

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