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Mental Focus Magickal Oil 2 Dram Bottle

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Estimated delivery: 1-2 days in USA.
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Hand made and hand charged magickal oil

"To obtain Magical Power, learn to control thought; admit only those ideas that are in harmony with the end desired, and not every stray and contradictory Idea that presents itself." - Liber Librae

Made with essential oils associated with mental acuity, focus, and concentration.

Just like Happiness is our antidepressant oil, and Fear Not is our anti-anxiety oil, this is the magical oil equivalent of Adderall.
*(This oil is not a substitute for any sort of medical or therapeutic approach, but is rather meant to compliment ones will in that regard.)

Citrus scent.

Apply concentrated oil directly to candle to complement spells.

Dilute with carrier oil for anointing body.

Always test oil on a small patch of skin before wearing.

Never drink oils or get them in your eyes.

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