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Trickster's Secret Salve

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This is a powerful entheogenic tool containing two powerful plant spirits that are known for their “trickster archetype” characteristics, fly agaric mushroom (Amanita muscaria) and thornapple (Datura stramonium). These two plant allies are used in ethnobotanical ceremonies for shamanic travel. They are both interdimensional guides who deal with concepts of time, space and consciousness. While on one hand they can be invaluable guides and teachers, they can become tormentors if taken for the wrong reasons (recreationally) Amanita and datura work synergystically on a spiritual level, enhancing the effects of the other. On a chemical level datura contains tropane alkaloids which are anti-muscarinic. Amanita contains muscarinic alkaloids. They work on different areas of the brain, neutralizing some of the uncomfortable side effects than can be felt (typically when ingested) I have combined these two plant spirit allies in a formula meant specifically for shamanic workings and otherworld travel. I start by creating an infusion of datura as my base, using a similar technique to making my datura ointment, after that infusion is complete I do another infusion with amanita muscaria.

What to expect: herbal salves can take 1-2 hours to fully take effect. The larger the surface area they are applied to the faster they are absorbed. Places like the soles of your feet and underarms get more absorption. This ointment has the heavy-grounding qualities of a saturnian nightshade, combined with the cosmic qualities of amanita. Heaviness, sensations of weight or falling, slight perceptual changes, enhanced color and sound, feeling of being in multiple realities.

this product is sold as a curio only, and any information is for educational purposes Coby Michael & Poisoner’s Apothecary are not responsible for misuse of this product. These statements have not been approved by the FDA, and per their requirement, this product is not intended for human consumption.

30 ml

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