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Moon Planetary Spell Kit Box

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Since ancient times people were looking at the starry sky and tried to understand, what mysteries it holds and how it influences life on the Earth. Planets and stars are the sources of the powerful energy of the space and they can help in achieving any goal.

The Moon is a symbol of the family bounds, especially matrilineal ones, clairvoyance, development of magical abilities, and remembering the previous lives. Its day is Monday.

  • Engraving on wood
  • Material: Birch plywood
  • Color:  black and silver
  • Size: 20 х 20 х 6 cm
  • Hand painted
  • Surface: matte
  • Design by Nata_Vedana

The box includes:

  • Moon Incense
  • Moon Oil
  • Moon Ointment
  • Two Honeycomb Candles

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