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Werewolf Pack Magick: A Shapeshifter's Book of Shadows

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Run with Your Pack and Unleash Your Power with Joy and Wildness

Beyond Werewolf Magick, this lycanthropic Book of Shadows unites you with your spiritual kin and invites them to join in rituals, romps, and spells that call on the feral magick within and about you. Denny Sargent teaches you ecstatic shapeshifting experiences, newly revived from ancient traditions and designed to free you from the restrictive chains of civilization. With your pack, you will return to your true home in the heart of Mother Nature.

Werewolf Pack Magick offers a wide variety of activities, including pack initiations, shapeshifting training, werewolf divination, pack sabbat celebrations, and ancient werewolf festivals. With step-by-step guidance, Denny reveals that pack magick is intense, powerful, wildly fun, and effective. Now is the time to honor and reconnect with nature and your werewolf brothers and sisters in the Wildness.

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