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Intuition for Beginners: Easy Ways to Awaken Your Natural Abilities

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Whether your intuition is naturally accessible or hidden, Intuition for Beginners shows how to enhance your sense of inner knowing to improve your relationships, solve problems, and make important decisions. Explore the different kinds of "sixth sense" with professional intuitive Diane Brandon as she shares how to discover your own intuition and make it stronger.

Believe it or not, nearly everyone is intuitive! You can learn to use your intuition as a tool of empowerment at home, at work, or wherever you face uncertainty or challenges. With dozens of exercises, guided meditations, and helpful dos and don'ts, Intuition for Beginners will have you listening to your inner voice in no time.

"A stimulating step-by-step guide to the world of intuition."―Bernie Ashman, author of Signmates

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