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Octopus Pocket Scrying Mirror in Silver

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This black scrying mirror has a gorgeous cover and a metal case. Inside, you will find a slightly convex, flawless black surface, perfect for divination. Scrying is an ancient form of divination used to receive information through our psychic abilities.Scrying is an old world form of divination, which began with the Aztec culture, most notably with their god, Tezcatlipoca, a name which translates to "Smoking Mirror". With practice, messages from the spirit realm will become more and more clear. Sometimes, we will receive messages in words, sometimes in stories and sometimes in pictures. Some of us experience movie-like scenes depending on how experienced a seer you are. Experience through practice will focus your skills and create clarity. Over time, if you continue practicing your scrying skills, you’ll start to build strong connections with spirit, but more importantly, you'll build your confidence and skill as a reader.

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