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Reading the Leaves: An Intuitive Guide to the Ancient Art and Modern Magic of Tea Leaf Divination

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An illustrated guide to tapping into your intuition through the simple act of sitting down to a cup of tea. Co-authored by one of the owners of Pentagram.

Whether you're wondering about career, finances, love, or health, Salem witches Sandra Mariah Wright and Leanne Marrama are here to help build your intuitive skills and transform your life. Reading the Leaves shows you how to:
    brew a cup of tea for divination purposes
    interpret more than 200 time-tested symbols that are most likely to show up, such as hearts and anchors, and what their size, location, and relationship to other shapes mean
    set an intention
    create a regular tea ritual
    keep a tea leaf reading journal
    do a reading for family and friends
    make their favorite tea time recipes
    respond when a "bad" symbol shows up

You already possess the tools, and with Sandra and Leanne's guidance, the true journey of self-discovery can begin. You don't have to be a witch to find your inner magic.

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