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The Dictionary of Demons: Names of the Damned

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Legions of Demons Laid Bare

New Expanded Hardcover Edition

The Dictionary of Demons is the single most comprehensive book on demons ever published in the history of Western occultism. This limited-print-run, tenth-anniversary hardcover edition includes more of the deeply researched information that made the first edition a must-have for demonologists everywhere. Within these pages you will discover more than two hundred additional demons as well as new essays, appendices, and more than fifty extra illustrations.

With detailed notes on select grimoires and other reference materials, this cross-referenced alphabetical listing of more than 1,700 demons shares their duties, appearances, and original sources. You will also discover author M. Belanger's insightful essays on the roots of demonic names, exorcisms in the ancient world, the gender of demons, the five-pointed star of Baphomet, and much more. In its unmatched depth and breadth, The Dictionary of Demons is an essential resource for serious students of demonology and the occult.

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