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Traditional Rowan Cross

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"Rowan tree and red thread, will put the Witches to their speed!" An ancient charm of Rowan and red thread is fashioned into a cross having equal arms. This was often placed above the doorway as a protection against all negative energies entering the home. A charm of a Rowan cross was often carried by a traveler for good luck, which included a round rosary of dried Rowan berries for extra protection. On each red berry there appears the pentagram, traditional symbol of powerful protection. Place a tiny cross of Rowan in the hem of wedding dress for good luck! 

This Charm has been lovingly handcrafted from Rowan trees growing in and around the legendary Isle of Avalon. All wood used is from a sustainable source and collected with the permission of the tree itself. Every effort has been made to gather this wood at the appropriate time of the Moon's cycle. Some charms are marked with Ogham symbol for Rowan. 


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